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So, I’ve decided to post more and bee a bit relaxed about my whole: ‘must write something different with pictures!’ philosophy, which is why I’m going to post this entry!

I recently came to learn about the singer 윤하/ユンナ/Younha! She’s a Korean singer who debuted in Japan with J-Pop. She sings, writes, plays a mean piano and can sing in English too! She is really cute and can really sing and play the piano great! I learnt of her after someone compared her to YUI (who is a J-Pop singer who plays guitar and writes her own songs, a bit like Michelle Branch if you know her; I like her too!). Anyway! I checked out a couple of Younha songs and at first I was a bit disappointed, I didn’t necessarily like the melody to the songs but after a few plays and watching some more videos I can only say that I’m pretty amazed at just how talented she is! She has a great voice and a sweet personality! Below are a few videos I picked that show a few different things as to why I can’t stop listening to her!

This song is called, Te wo Tsunaide (手をつないで) which I think translates as ‘Holding Hands’ but don’t quote me on that. It’s a bit of a rocky, poppy, melodic slice of J-Pop. Younha has a really pleasant voice that suits a lot of music but I really like this song for the music!

This song is called Bi Mil Bun Ho 486 (비밀번호 486) which translates as ‘Password 486’ and is a really cute poppy, rocky K-Pop song with really sweet lyrics – guys pay attention!

This song is a video of Younha singing Alicia Key’s If I Ain’t Got You and she sings it amazingly well! Just listen ^_^

*peace* ❤

Lychee Juice

Hi =^_^= thanks for coming to my blog! I'm just a normalish, 19-year-old half-Scottish, half-Chinese English girl who loves art, videogames and music. I hope you enjoy my fickle musings on anything and everything that takes my fancy; thanks for coming!
May 2024

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